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Plate 3 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology

Plate 3

From: A Ruscinian mammalian microfauna from a fissure filling near Sondershausen (Thuringia, Central Germany)

Plate 3

Myotis sp. II. 1 left i2, occlusal view; IQW 2011/31517 B7, 2 left c1, occlusal view; IQW 2011/31468 A1, 3 right c1, lingual view; IQW 2011/31471 B1, 4 right c1, labial view; IQW 2011/31472 B2, 5 left p4, occlusal view; IQW 2011/31475 C1, 6 left m1/2, occlusal view; IQW 2011/31481 D1, 7 left m3, occlusal view; IQW 2011/31497 G3, 8 left I1, occlusal view; IQW 2011/31519 C7, 9 left Cs, occlusal view; IQW 2011/31502 H1, 10 right Cs, lingual view; IQW 2011/31503/H2, 11 left P4, occlusal view; IQW 2011/31505/K6, 12 left M1, occlusal view; IQW 2011/31507/I2, 13 left M2, occlusal view; IQW 2011/31509/K1, 14 left M3, occlusal view; IQW 2011/31511/L1. All figures ×20

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