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Fig. 2 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology

Fig. 2

From: Basel–Tuscany, a long-lasting link

Fig. 2

Lunch break at Baccinello during the autumn 1986 field campaign. Prof. Johannes Hürzeler (at the age of 78) was part of the team. Burkart Engesser is at the centre; to his right, prof. Claudio De Giuli from the University of Florence (who passed away prematurely in 1988). On the left of the picture Prof. Terry Harrison (New York University) partly hides Dr. Giovanni Lorenz. Lorenz (1968) is a former student of Prof. Hürzeler, who studied the geological setting of Baccinello and published the first exhaustive geological map of the Baccinello area (Photo L. Rook)

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