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Fig. 6 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology

Fig. 6

From: An exceptionally well-preserved skeleton of Palaeothentes from the Early Miocene of Patagonia, Argentina: new insights into the anatomy of extinct paucituberculatan marsupials

Fig. 6

Palaeothentes lemoinei (MPM-PV 3566). Model of the osseous labyrinth based on 3D reconstructions from micro-CT data in lateral (a), anterior (b), dorsal (c), ventral (d), medial (e), and posterior (f) views. aa anterior ampulla, ac aqueductus cochleae, asc anterior semicircular canal, asc anterior semicircular canal, av aqueductus vestibuli, c cochlea, cc crus commune, fc fenestra cochleae (=round window), fv fenestra vestibuli (=oval window), la lateral ampulla, lsc lateral semicircular canal, pa posterior ampulla, psc posterior semicircular canal, v vestibule

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