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Plate 6 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology

Plate 6

From: Western European middle Eocene to early Oligocene Chiroptera: systematics, phylogeny and palaeoecology based on new material from the Quercy (France)

Plate 6

Stehlinia quercyi (Revilliod 1922) from Malpérié and Perrière: a MPR_SqA.1.1, right C/1, labial view (left) and lingual view (right). b PRR_SqA.1.2, fragment of right hemimandible with at least an alveolus for the incisor and the alveolus for C/1, and with P/2–3–4 and M/1. c PRR_SqA.1.7, right hemimandible with alveoli for I/1–2, C/1 and P/2 and with P/3–4 and M/1–2–3. d PRR_SqB.1.7, left C1/ labial view (left) and lingual view (right). e PRR_SqA.3.9, fragment of left maxillary with alveolus for P2/ and with P3–4/. f PRR_SqA.3.1, left M1/. g PRR_SqA.3.6, left M2/. h PRR_SqA.3.14, left M3/

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