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Fig. 3 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology

Fig. 3

From: Patterns of the evolution of aptychi of Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Boreal ammonites

Fig. 3

VEGA/Tescan SEM (ac, f, i) and microscopic (d, e, g, h, j, k) photographs of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous aptychi. Only j is coated with ammonium chloride. ac Laevilamellaptychus sp., Rybaki, Upper Oxfordian, Serratum Zone, a specimen in private collection; b, c MSU 121/2, details of inner structure of aptychus; d, e, j, k Didayilamellaptychus (?) sp. Lower Aptian, Volgensis Zone, d (MSU 121/3) e (MSU 121/4)—Ulianovsk, j, k in situ record within the body chamber of Sinzovia; fi Praestriaptychus sp., f MSU6070, Mikhalenino, Upper Oxfordian, Alternoides Zone, bed 8; g MSU 121/5, Ulianovsk, Lower Aptian, Volgensis Zone; h Gorodishi. MSUAP137, Lower Volgian, Puschi Zone, bed 1/6; i MSU 121/6, Kelevudagh Mt, Lower Hauterivian, bed 177

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