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Fig. 1 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology

Fig. 1

From: On the taxonomy and osteology of the Early Eocene North American Geranoididae (Aves, Gruoidea)

Fig. 1

Distal ends of the tarsometatarsi of Palaeophasianus (“Geranoides”) in comparison with extant Gruoidea. a, b Palaeophasianus meleagroides (holotype, AMNH 5128), right tarsometatarsus in plantar view; in b, the matrix surrounding the bone was digitally removed. Holotype of Geranoides jepseni (YPM VP.PU.013257) in c plantar view (from Wetmore 1933, mirrored to ease comparisons) and d dorsal view. ?Palaeophasianus sp. (AMNH 5156) in e plantar and f dorsal view. Distal ends of right tarsometatarsi of extant Gruoidea in dorsal view: g Psophia crepitans (Psophiidae), h Aramus guarauna (Aramidae), and i Balearica regulorum (Gruidae). Distal ends of right tarsometatarsi (distal view) of j ?Palaeophasianus sp. (AMNH 5156), k P. crepitans, l A. guarauna, and m B. regulorum. The trochleae are numbered. flg plantar flange of trochlea metatarsi IV. Scale bars 10 mm

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