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Table 2 Ecologic categories of tiering, motility and feeding types

From: Ecological disparity is more susceptible to environmental changes than familial taxonomic richness during the Cretaceous in the Alpstein region (northeastern Switzerland)

Ecologic category



 (1) Pelagic

Ammonoids, belemnoids, fish, nautilids

 (2) Erect

Crinoids, corals, sponges

 (3) Surficial

Echinoids, brachiopods, gastropods, Exogyra

 (4) Semi-infaunal

“Normal” bivalves, rudist bivalves, scaphopods

 (5) Shallow infaunal

Many clams

 (6) Deep infaunal

The clam Panope

Motility level

 (1) Freely, fast

Ammonoids, belemnoids, fish, some arthropods

 (2) Freely, slow

Gastropods, echinoids, nautilids, scaphopods

 (3) Facultative, unattached

Many clams, polychaetes: Sedentaria

 (4) Facultative, attached

Corals, mussels

 (5) Non-motile, unattached

Reclining brachiopods, boring bivalves

 (6) Non-motile, attached

Rudist bivalves, pedunculated brachiopods, sponges

Feeding mechanism

 (1) Suspension

Boring bivalves, brachiopods, bryozoans, corals, rudists, scaphopods, sponges

 (2) Surface deposit

Tellinid bivalves, polychaetes

 (3) Mining

Nuculid bivalves

 (4) Grazing

Echinoids, gastropods

 (5) Predatory

Ammonoids, belemnoids, nautilids, fish

 (6) Other