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Fig. 15 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology

Fig. 15

From: New data on the biostratigraphy (charophytes, nannofossils, mammals) and lithostratigraphy of the Late Eocene to Early Late Miocene deposits in the Swiss Molasse Basin and Jura Mountains

Fig. 15Fig. 15

Charophytes from the Middle Miocene of the NW-Swiss Folded Jura (Serravallian, SPN-MC 3 for sample LCF-CS3, SPN-MC 4 for all the other samples). 1–9: Lychnothamnus barbatus, LL-PC2. 10–16: Lychnothamnus antiquus, LL-CG10. 17–31: Lychnothamnus duplicicarinatus, LL-CE24 (17–26), LL-TDS13 0.9–1.3 m (27–28/31) and 16.2–16.6 m (29–30). 32–36: Nitellopsis (Tectochara) ginsburgi, LL-CG10. 37–43: Nitellopsis (Tectochara) etrusca; 44–49: Nitellopsis (Tectochara) gr. meriani (intermediate morphotypes with N. (T.) etrusca), LL-CG10 (37/41–42/46), LL-CG20 (38–40/43–45/47–49). 50–57: Chara gr. molassica-notata (morphotypes molassica: 50–53/56; morphotypes notata: 54–55/57), LL-HC12 (50–52), LL-CG33 (54), LCF-CS3 5–5.1 m (53/55) and LL-JJHS (56/57). Lateral views (3–9/12–16/19–26/30–31/33–36/39–43/45–57), apical views (1–2/10/17/27–29/32/37–38/44), basal views (11/18).

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