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Fig. 1 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology

Fig. 1

From: New biostratigraphical data (calcareous nannofossils, ammonites) and Early to Late Barremian transition in the Urgonien Jaune facies and Marnes de la Russille complex of the Swiss Jura Mountains

Fig. 1Fig. 1

a Location maps with aerial view (Google Earth, Copernicus Sentinel data 2018 / NPOC) in the Vaud Jura Mountains (W-Switzerland), red square indicated by red arrow = study area, yellow circle 1/red spot 1 = Les Buis quarry near La Sarraz, yellow circle 2/red spot 2 = Eclépens quarry of the Mormont Hill, red spot 3 = Montcherand section in the Gorges de l’Orbe, red stars = studied sections, network of red lines = the Mormont—La Sarraz fault system reported from the geological map of Switzerland 1:25′000. b La Sarraz–Les Buis quarry (8/3/2020), northern part of the quarry, UB = Urgonien Blanc, MRu1-2 = Marnes de la Russille (layers 1 and 2), UJ = Urgonien Jaune, PJN = Pierre jaune de Neuchâtel, Ha7-Ba1 = basal Early Barremian sequences with sequence boundaries SbH4-H7, SbB1 and SbB1′ (cf. Fig. 3). c, d La Sarraz–Les Buis quarry, southern part of the quarry, channelized and very fine-grained Marnes de la Russille (c: 7/6/2014; d: 17/8/2014, hammer in red frame = 31.5 cm long, red star = late Early Barremian LSBMRu1 sample with nannoflora of NC5D/LK19 biozones reported in this study). e Upper part of the Montcherand section along the Orbe river (23/11/2014), truncated and bevelled layer of basal shallow marine Marnes de la Russille above transgressive inclined foresets of large ripples, red circle diameter = 31.5 cm (small ammonite Pseudometahoplites sp. juv. was found in the mound of yellow marls on top inside). Captions: UB = Urgonien Blanc, MRu = Marnes de la Russille, UJ = Urgonien Jaune. f–g La Sarraz–Les Buis quarry (8/3/2020), northern part of the quarry and detail of Fig. 1b, h (right parts), TST = Transgressive system track with reddish ripples of the sequence Ha7, HST = Highstand system tracks marked by two thick whitish coarse beds forming the top of sequences Ha7 and Ba1, respectively, Ba1′-Ba2-Ba3 = late Early-to-early Late Barremian sequences with sequence boundaries SbB1′, SbB2 and SbB3 (cf. Fig. 3). h–i La Sarraz–Les Buis quarry (23/2/2020), northern part of the quarry (h) and detail of NW cliff (red square, i) with transverse cross sections of two small proximal MRu1-2 channels (yellow ellipses) forming the distal larger channel (Figs. 1c, d and 3) about 20 m below and 250 m laterally at the base of the opposite SE cliff. j Rare and well-preserved Alcyonarian corals from the uppermost massive UJ limestones (early Late Barremian) of the Eclépens quarry

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