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Fig. 2 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology

Fig. 2

From: New biostratigraphical data (calcareous nannofossils, ammonites) and Early to Late Barremian transition in the Urgonien Jaune facies and Marnes de la Russille complex of the Swiss Jura Mountains

Fig. 2

Western part of the Eclépens quarry (17/6/2018). Captions: UB = Urgonien Blanc, MRu = Marnes de la Russille, UJ-Tp = Urgonien Jaune top part, UJ = Urgonien Jaune, UPJN = Upper Pierre jaune de Neuchâtel, MU = Marnes d’Uttins (late Early Hauterivian Nodosoplicatum Zone), LPJN = Lower Pierre jaune de Neuchâtel, MBH = Marnes bleues d’Hauterive (Early Hauterivian Radiatus Zone), black star = marly beds with early Late Barremian nannofloras reported from Godet et al. (2010), red hexagon = basal limestones with glauconite and early Late Hauterivian ammonite Cruasiceras cf. cruasense, red stars = marls with new Early Barremian (1–2) and early Late Barremian (3–5) nannofloras

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