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Fig. 1 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology

Fig. 1

From: Caviomorph rodents from the Pampean region (Argentina) in the historical Santiago Roth Collection in Switzerland

Fig. 1

Cranial and mandibular remains of Lagostomus maximus (A PIMUZ A/V 4147). A1–A4 cranium in dorsal (A1), ventral (A2), right lateral (A3), and left lateral (A4) views. A5 upper cheek teeth series, in occlusal view. A6–A7 mandibular remains, in occlusal and lateral views. A8 detail of the right cheek teeth series. Abbreviations: ch, choana (or mesopterygoid fossa); cp, coronoid process; fps, frontoparietal suture; Fr, frontal; g, groove; I, upper incisor; ifo, incisive foramen; ifs, interfrontal suture; ipf, interpremaxillary foramen; nmpi, notch for the insertion of the muscle masseter medialis pars infraorbitalis; Mx, maxilla; M1–M3, first to third upper molars; m1-m3, first to third lower molars; Pa, parietal; Pl, palatine; pms, premaxillo-maxillary suture; Pmx, premaxilla; P4, upper fourth premolar; p4, lower fourth premolar; Sq, squamosal; rfm, rostral masseteric fossa; vrz, ventral zygomatic root

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