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Fig. 6 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology

Fig. 6

From: An assessment of age determination in fossil fish: the case of the opercula in the Mesozoic actinopterygian Saurichthys

Fig. 6

Bone histology of Saurichthys opercula PIMUZ T 2566 (a, b) and T 2138 (c, d). Images a, c in normal transmitted, b, d in cross-polarized light using lambda compensator. a, b Close-up of thin external ornamented part and underlying lamellate part of opercle. Note broken-off ornamental ridges in cross section (indicated by black and white asterisks) and adjacent thin layers of only slightly birefringent tissue (black and white arrows); c, d close-up of well vascularized external ornamented part and underlying lamellate part of opercle. Note overall non-refringence of the ornamental part with the exception of few thin superficial layers (marked by white arrows). LP lamellate part of opercle, ORP ornamented part of opercle

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